Project trigger-sim

Invoke with: import icecube.trigger_sim

C++ I3Modules


"I3GlobalTriggerSim" (C++ I3Module)


Param FilterMode:

Default = True, Filter events that do not satisfy the trigger condition

Param FromTime:

Default = None, If set I3Times will be uniformly spread from this time, until ToTime.

Param GlobalTriggerName:

Default = 'I3TriggerHierarchy', Output global trigger name in frame

Param I3DOMLaunchSeriesMapNames:

Default = ['InIceRawData', 'IceTopRawData'], This holds the DOM launches used to determine event lengths for untriggered events.

Param I3ReadoutWindowAfter:

Default = nan, Readout window after the trigger

Param I3ReadoutWindowBefore:

Default = nan, Readout window before the trigger

Param I3ReadoutWindowOffset:

Default = nan, Readout window offset the trigger

Param I3RecoPulseSeriesMapNames:

Default = ['I3RecoPulseSeriesMapExtensions'], This holds the I3RecoPulses used to determine event lengths for untriggered events in the Upgrade and Gen2 volumes.

Param I3TriggerName:

Default = 'I3Triggers', InIce Trigger name in frame

Param RunID:

Default = 4294967295, ID of the run.

Param TimeIncrement:

Default = 0.0, Time increment between frames

Param ToTime:

Default = None, If set I3Times will be uniformly spread to this time.


"I3Pruner" (C++ I3Module)

IceTray module to remove launches outside the readout window.

Param DOMLaunchSeriesMapNames:

Default = ['InIceRawData', 'IceTopRawData'], This holds the DOM launches

Param GlobalTriggerName:

Default = 'I3TriggerHierarchy', Name of the global trigger hierarchy

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t


"I3TriggerSimModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param DOMSets:

Default = 'DOMSets', The name of the DOMSets object in the frame. If this does not exist, you will need to run the InjectDefaultDOMSets function from trigger-sim before running this module. Defaults to DOMSets.

Param IceTopLaunches:

Default = 'IceTopRawData', The name of the I3DOMLaunchSeriesMap to use as a default for IceTop data when no name is included in the trigger configuration. Defaults to IceTopRawData to reproduce Gen1 simulation.

Param InIceLaunches:

Default = 'InIceRawData', The name of the I3DOMLaunchSeriesMap to use as a default for in-ice data when no name is included in the trigger configuration. Defaults to InIceRawData to reproduce Gen1 simulation.

Param InIcePulses:

Default = 'InIceRawPulses', The name of the I3RecoPulseSeriesMap to use as a default for in-ice data when no name is included in the trigger configuration. Defaults to nothing to reproduce Gen1 simulation.

Param OutputName:

Default = 'I3Triggers', The name of the output I3TriggerHierarchy to produce. This will not yet contain a global trigger, but can be used to add additional triggers by hand if desired. If this already exists, new triggers will be appended.

Python I3Modules


InjectDefaultDOMSets (Python I3Module)

This module adds the default DOMSets information to the DetectorStatus frame. This will be the same data that older versions of trigger-sim used.

Param DOMSetsName:

Default = 'DOMSets', Name of the DOMSets frame object

Param NewDefinitionMap:

Default = {}, A map of a new DOMSet ID to a boolean function f(OMKey, I3OMGeo) that determines whether an individual DOM should be included in the new DOMSet.


AddTriggers (Python I3Module)

An I3Module that can be used to define new triggers to run. This is intended to be used for new triggering studies in the Upgrade and Gen2 detectors. The new triggers are created externally, then passed in through this module. Trigger configs are added to the I3DetectorStatus, but will not overwrite any existing triggers already in the frame.

Param Triggers:

Default = <icecube._dataclasses.Map_TriggerKey_I3TriggerStatus object at 0x108eebe20>, A map of new triggers to add to the ones defined in the GCD file.


I3TimeShifter (Python I3Module)

This module shifts the time of everything time-like in the frame. The reference time is determined by the earliest time in the trigger hierarchy, in the case of triggered events, or the earliest I3MCPE(or IMCHit) time, for non-triggered events.

Param ShiftI3DoubleKeys:

Default = [], Do shift these I3Doubles.

Param SkipKeys:

Default = [], Don’t shift these frame objects.


EventSplitter (Python I3Module)


Param I3DOMLaunchSeriesMapNames:

Default = ['InIceRawData', 'IceTopRawData'], This holds the DOM launches used to determine event lengths for untriggered events.

Param I3MCHitSeriesMapName:

Default = 'MCHitSeriesMap', Names of hitseries objects that to split

Param I3MCTreeName:

Default = 'I3MCTree', Name of I3MCTree to split

Param I3ReadoutWindowAfter:

Default = 4000.0, Readout window after the trigger

Param I3ReadoutWindowBefore:

Default = 6000.0, Readout window before the trigger

Param I3TriggerName:

Default = 'I3Triggers', InIce Trigger name in frame

Param MCTreeName:

Default = 'I3MCTree', name of I3MCTree

Param MCWeightMapName:

Default = 'CorsikaWeightMap', name of weightmap

I3Tray segments


ExtensionsTriggers (I3Tray segment)

Define domsets and triggers for both the Upgrade and Gen2. This acts as both an example tray segment for adding triggering information to the GCD file and as a temporary standard method for testing new triggers.


TriggerSim (I3Tray segment)

Configure triggers according to the GCD file.

Param run_id:

Default = None,

Param prune:

Default = True,

Param time_shift:

Default = True,

Param time_shift_args:

Default = None,

Param filter_mode:

Default = True,