Cascade Variables¶
Original Author: Lukas Schulte
The I3VetoModule is a rather simple tray module for a quick estimation of how “contained” in the detector volume a given cascade-like event is. It simply loops over a specified pulsemap and identifies the DOMs that have seen the first, last, and brightest (i.e. most charge) hit in the event. This information is then stored in an I3Veto frame object. A option for reduced output into an I3VetoShort object is available.
Input Variables¶
HitmapName [DEFAULT=”InIceRawData”]: Name of the pulsemap on which I3Veto runs
UseAMANDA [DEFAULT=False]: Whether to include Amanda DOMs (obsolete for more recent data)
DetectorGeometry [DEFAULT=40]: Detector Geometry: 40, 59, 79, or 86 (for ICXX)
OutputName [DEFAULT=”veto”]: Name of resulting I3Veto object
FullOutput [DEFAULT=True]: Whether to write full I3Veto object or only I3VetoShort
The script in resources/test will give an idea of how to run and setup the module. However, it will only run out of the box if you are on a DESY machine, as the default input files are specified for their file system. Other input files can be specified, run –help for details.