

I3DSTModule Collects the DST information from reconstructed I3Particles as well as DOMLaunchSeries and HitSeries/PulseSeries and I3TriggerHierarchy and with this adds an I3DST object into the I3Frame. On configuration, I3DSTModule is given a vector of strings corresponding to the names of I3Particles for various reconstructions in descending order of priority. The first two reconstructions that the module finds in the frame will be assigned to reco1 and reco2 in the dst and the index of the reco name for each will be encoded in to a single uint8_t byte ‘reco_label’ using the nth bit as a boolean to indicate whether the nth reconstruction was selected. This is accomplished by bit-shifting 1 by n where n is the index of the reconstruction key.


With the introduction of Q-frames, I3DST13 (and some earlier formats) was split into two separate modules: I3DSTDAQModule13 operates on Q-frames and records event-level (trigger-level) information such as EventID, trigger information, time, CoG, etc. and I3DSTModule13 records information from split P-frames, including reconstructions and similar variables.


I3DSTDAQModule13 extracts key information about triggered events and generates an I3DST13 object which is a very compact representation of an event.


I3DSTModule13 extracts key information about reconstructed events and generates an I3DSTReco13 object which is a very compact representation of an event.



With I3DSTQModule16, treatment of both Q- and P-frames is handled by the same module which implements both the DAQ and Physics methods. It extracts key information about triggered and reconstructed events and generates an I3DST16 object which is a very compact representation of an event.