The Histogram Base Class

If you want to do something more complicated, like traversing containers (e.g. I3MCTree), the convenience histograms become less convenient and you’ll need to go straight to the base class.


  • All histograms must be default constructable - Meaning it should be possible to create an instance by calling the constructor with no arguments.

  • Implement Method - Typically either DAQ or Physics, but the other stops are supported as well.

The noise histogram is a good example.

from icecube import dataclasses, simclasses
from icecube.production_histograms.histograms.histogram import Histogram

class NoiseOccupancy(Histogram):
    Histograms the occupancy of noise PEs.
    def __init__(self):
        Histogram.__init__(self, 0, 65, 64, "NoiseOccupancy")
        self.frame_key = "I3MCPESeriesMap"

    def DAQ(self, frame):
        if self.frame_key in frame:
            for omkey, pe_series in frame[self.frame_key]:
                for pe in pe_series:
                    if pe.ID.minorID == 0 and pe.ID.majorID == 0:
                        for i in range(pe.npe):