Overview of the project

The layout of the project includes three types of classes:

In principle, a reconstruction can be performed with any combination of these, though this up to the developer(s) of the specific detector.

Flow of data during an event reco

These various classes must be linked together so that they can perform the necessary calculations.


Before the reconstruction begins, the frame is made available to the log-liklihood function (e.g. I3RbLDFLikelihood). The frame is then passed along to the linked signal model (e.g. I3LaputopSignalModel). Both objects extract any information from the frame that is deemed relevant. Once the reconstruction beings, at each minimization iteration, the I3EventHypothesis (a combination object that contains an I3Particle and a I3RbParameterMap) is given to the LLH and is passed along to the signal model. The LLH is calculated using the current hypothesis and the observed signals.

Notes for Developers

If you would like to make your own model (for an existing detector) and/or your own likelihood (if you want to add a new detector) you can look at the “skeleton” examples in rock_bottom/resources/skeleton (or see Skeletons) as a place to start.


  • Avoid adding (and certainly do not remove) anything in the base classes and do not add any “special numbers” there.

    Exception: It may be that you need a new parameter in the likelihoodBase

  • In the likelihoods, it is advised that you do NOT do any math there besides calculating your likelihood. It is best to leave this to the models.

  • Likelihood functions make no decisions.

  • No ‘global’ corrections are applied inside the likelihood. For example, these can be done by another module or at least factored out (they are likely to change):

    • s_125 -> energy conversion

    • global pressure correction

  • Flags indicating tank/DOM status should be explicitly stored in the event interface. In other words: we want to keep track of which tanks were used by the fitting module

  • The likelihood must return +ln(LH), not -ln(LH) or a Chi-sq. The addition of LLHs between detector arrays is only meaningful if we are adding the same thing

  • It may be that you want to pass a new parameter to your model, (ex. the high above ground of the scint), simply add this to the RockBall class