Radio specific functions

Likelihood functions

Likelihood base

See: I3RadioBaseLikelihood class

This runs the API that is expected by Gulliver and Lilliput. The following are performed,

  1. the AntennaGeoMap is found using the GetDefaultGeometryName from radcube

  2. the AntennaDataMap is found based on the supplied name

  3. bad antennas are removed from the data map

LDF Likelihood

See: I3RadioLDFLikelihood class

This calculates the likelihood of the observed signal strengths being observed. The likelihood is based on the energy fluence of the vxB and vxvxB components of the signal. This requires a conversion from voltage to electric field, which is zenith and azimuth dependent. So each minimization step requires an unfolding of the antenna response using an instance of the I3AntennaResponse (see I3AntennaResponseFactory). The energy of the waveform is then integrated to yield the fluence. Note that the integration depends on a well defined T0 estimate from the I3Particle and so it is possible that the LDF fit could fail due to a bad geometric reconstruction.

Timing Likelihood

See: I3RadioTimingLikelihood class

Extracts the peak time of the waveform across the entire recorded waveform and queries the signal model for the LLH.

Signal models

Fluence signal model

See: I3RadioSignalModel class

This is a description of the energy fluence distribution in the SKALAv2 antennas. This analytic model where the parameters are stored in an ASCII files (see rock_bottom/resources/data/radio_signal_param). In this format, a new parameterization can be tuned and easily swapped out as long as the same functional form can be assumed. The current set of special numbers are described here. This signal model is meant to be made with one of the radio-based emission models.