Scintillator specific functions

Likelihood functions

Likelihood base

See: I3ScintBaseLikelihood class

This runs the API that is expected by Gulliver and Lilliput. The following are performed,

  1. the I3ScintGeometry is found

  2. the panels are split into “bad”, “silent”, “saturated”, and normal sets based on the signal properties (at the moment normal pulses are assumed to have signal above 0.5 MIP and satruation starts above 1000 MIP)

  3. bad panels are removed

LDF Likelihood

See: I3ScintLDFLikelihood class

The likelihood is a combination of several terms,

  1. saturated pulses, treated using the LDF’s GetSignalLogCumulativeProbability method

  2. standard pulses, treated using the LDF’s GetSignalLogProbability method

  3. panels with no hits, treated using the LDF’s GetHitProbability method (silent probability = 1 - hit probability)

Timing Likelihood

See: I3ScintTimingLikelihood class

The times for the panels are taken to be the time of the first pulse in the PulseSeries using native GetTime() function. The LLH is calculated by simply summing up the LLHs taken from the timing model using TimingLLH method. Time uncertainty depends on lateral distance and reconstructed zenith angle, and is defined by GetSignalVariance from I3FrontScintModel.

Signal models

See: I3ScintSignalModel and I3ScintFrontModel classes

The values for the response of the panels to incoming signals were parameterized using simulations of H, He, O, Fe induced air showers in an energy from 100 TeV to 100 PeV. For more see DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000131245