
Documentation and examples for running

The script has various options:

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-execute          boolean condition to execute
  --nshowers=NSHOWERS   Number of generated CR showers
  --procnum=PROCNUM     process number
  --seed=SEED           RNG seed
  --gcdfile=GCDFILE     GeoCalibDetStatus filename
                        Output filename
                        Input filename (only if you are not generating file)
  --no-RunCorsika       Run CORSIKA or only generate INPUTS file
  --RunNum=RUNNUM       Run Number
                        JSON Summary filename
                        Atmospheric models
  --eslope=ESLOPE       CR spectral index (only if ranpri=0)
  --ranpri=RANPRI       CR spectrum: 0=individual-nuclei, 1=Wiebel-Sooth,
                        2=Hoerandel, 3=5-component
  --crtype=CRTYPE       CR Particle Type (only if not dcorsika)
  --pnorm=PNORM         5-component relative contribution H,He,N,Al,Fe
  --pgam=PGAM           5-component spectral indices H,He,N,Al,Fe
  --locut=LOCUT         Enables skew angle cutfoff
  --kcut=KCUT           minimum neutrino energy required to keep the shower
                        CORSIKA seed
  --dslope=DSLOPE       Change in spectral index
                        CR max energy
                        CR min energy
                        Number of times to sample each shower
  --LegacyOverSampling  Legacy mode for oversmapling
  --model=MODEL         corsika model
  --lemodel=LEMODEL     corsika low-energy model
                        version of corsika to run
                        Corsika binary name
  --cthmin=CTHMIN       Min theta of injected cosmic rays
  --cthmax=CTHMAX       Max theta of injected cosmic rays
  --ecuts1=ECUTS1       hadron min energy (see corsika docs)
  --ecuts2=ECUTS2       muon min energy (see corsika docs)
  --ecuts3=ECUTS3       electron min energy (see corsika docs)
  --ecuts4=ECUTS4       photon min energy (see corsika docs)
                        Sets SPRIC=T (EnergyPerNucleon) or F
                        Upper cutoff type (defaults to CutoffType)
  --RepoURL=REPOURL     URL of repository containing corsika tarballs
  --CVMFS=CVMFS         Path to CVMFS repository
  --SimulateIceTop      Simulate IceTop detector
  --SelectNeutrino      Randomly select CORSIKA neutrino and force interaction
  --UsePipe             Use pipe for corsika output
  --compress            compress corsika output
                        Options to skip
                        Histogram filename.
  --EnableHistogram     Write a SanityChecker histogram file.
                        Volume cylinder height in meters
                        Volume cylinder radius in meters