
Documentation and examples for running

The script has various options:

usage: [-h] [--gcdfile GCDFILE] --inputfile INPUTFILE --outputfile
                   OUTPUTFILE [--summaryfile SUMMARYFILE] [--EnableHistogram]
                   [--HistogramFilename HISTOGRAMFILENAME]
                   [--procnum PROCNUM] [--seed SEED]
                   [--MCType MCTYPE] [--UseLinearTree]
                   [--MCPrescale MCPRESCALE] [--IceTop] [--Genie]
                   [--no-FilterTrigger] [--no-Trigger] [--LowMem]
                   [--TimeShiftSkipKeys TIMESHIFTSKIPKEYS]
                   [--SampleEfficiency SAMPLEEFFICIENCY]
                   [--GeneratedEfficiency GENERATEDEFFICIENCY] [--RunID RUNID]
                   [--MCPESeriesName MCPESERIESNAME]
                   [--DetectorName DETECTORNAME] [--SkipKeys SKIPKEYS]

IceCube script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gcdfile GCDFILE     GeoCalibDetStatus filename
  --inputfile INPUTFILE
                        Input filename
  --outputfile OUTPUTFILE
                        Output filename
  --summaryfile SUMMARYFILE
                        JSON Summary filename
  --EnableHistogram     Write a SanityChecker histogram file.
  --HistogramFilename HISTOGRAMFILENAME
                        Histogram filename.
  --procnum PROCNUM     job number (RNG stream number)
  --seed SEED           RNG seed
  --MCType MCTYPE       Generator particle type
  --UseLinearTree       Use I3LinearizedMCTree for serialization
                        Prescale for keeping additional Monte Carlo info in
                        the frame
  --IceTop              Do IceTop Simulation?
  --Genie               Assume separate Genie MCPEs and BG MCPEs
  --no-FilterTrigger    Don't filter untriggered events
  --no-Trigger          Don't run trigger simulation
  --LowMem              Low Memory mode
  --no-BeaconLaunches   Don't simulate beacon launches
                        Skip keys in the triggersim TimeShifter
  --SampleEfficiency SAMPLEEFFICIENCY
                        Resample I3MCPESeriesMap for different efficiency
  --GeneratedEfficiency GENERATEDEFFICIENCY
                        Generated efficiency for resampling
  --RunID RUNID         Run ID
                        Name of MCPESeriesMap in frame
  --DetectorName DETECTORNAME
                        Name of detector
  --SkipKeys SKIPKEYS   Skip keys for the writer