
Documentation and examples for running (neutrino-generator) data and simulation.

The script has various options:

usage: [-h] [--gcdfile GCDFILE] --outputfile OUTPUTFILE
                [--summaryfile SUMMARYFILE] [--EnableHistogram]
                [--HistogramFilename HISTOGRAMFILENAME]
                [--procnum PROCNUM] [--seed SEED]
                [--nevents NEVENTS] [--PROPOSALParams PROPOSALPARAMS]
                [--PropagateMuons] [--runid RUNID] [--SimMode SIMMODE]
                [--VTXGenMode VTXGENMODE] [--InjectionMode INJECTIONMODE]
                [--CylinderParams CYLINDERPARAMS] [--no-AutoExtendMuonVolume]
                [--NuFlavor NUFLAVOR] [--NuTypes NUTYPES] [--Polyplopia]
                [--gamma GAMMA] [--FromEnergy FROMENERGY]
                [--ToEnergy TOENERGY] [--ZenithMin ZENITHMIN]
                [--ZenithMax ZENITHMAX] [--AzimuthMin AZIMUTHMIN]
                [--AzimuthMax AZIMUTHMAX]
                [--ZenithSamplingMode ZENITHSAMPLINGMODE]
                [--UseDifferentialXsection] [--CrossSections CROSSSECTIONS]
                [--CrossSectionsPath CROSSSECTIONSPATH]
                [--ParamsMap PARAMSMAP] [--BackgroundFile BACKGROUNDFILE]

NuGen script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gcdfile GCDFILE     GeoCalibDetStatus filename
  --outputfile OUTPUTFILE
                        Output filename
  --summaryfile SUMMARYFILE
                        JSON Summary filename
  --EnableHistogram     Write a SanityChecker histogram file.
  --HistogramFilename HISTOGRAMFILENAME
                        Histogram filename.
  --procnum PROCNUM     job number (RNG stream number)
  --seed SEED           RNG seed
  --nevents NEVENTS     Number of events
                        any other parameters for proposal
  --PropagateMuons      Run PROPOSAL to do in-ice propagation
  --runid RUNID         Run number to use in S-Frame
  --SimMode SIMMODE     simulation mode
                        currently supports only NuGen
  --InjectionMode INJECTIONMODE
                        injection mode
  --CylinderParams CYLINDERPARAMS
                        For CIRCLE[radius, active_height_before,
                        active_height_after], for SURFACE[radius, length,
                        center_x, center_y, center_z]
                        Don't use detection volume extension (set flag for
                        starting events)
  --NuFlavor NUFLAVOR   Use Legacy injector : Neutrino Flavor
  --NuTypes NUTYPES     Use new injector. Set dictionary of neutrino types and
                        ratio. e.g. {NuMu:1, NuMuBar:1, NuEBar:1}
  --Polyplopia          Produce coincident showers
  --gamma GAMMA         Gamma index
  --FromEnergy FROMENERGY
                        Minimum energy
  --ToEnergy TOENERGY   Maximum energy
  --ZenithMin ZENITHMIN
                        min zenith
  --ZenithMax ZENITHMAX
                        max zenith
  --AzimuthMin AZIMUTHMIN
                        min azimuth
  --AzimuthMax AZIMUTHMAX
                        max azimuth
                        zenith sampling mode
                        Do you use differential cross sections?
  --CrossSections CROSSSECTIONS
                        cross section files
                        cross section tables path
  --ParamsMap PARAMSMAP
                        any other parameters
  --BackgroundFile BACKGROUNDFILE
                        pre-generated coincident showers file