
Documentation and examples for running polyplopia.py

The polyplopia.py script has various options:

PolyplopiaModule script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gcdfile GCDFILE     GeoCalibDetStatus filename
  --inputfile INPUTFILE
                        Input filename
  --outputfile OUTPUTFILE
                        Output filename
  --HistogramFilename HISTOGRAMFILENAME
                        Histogram filename.
  --procnum PROCNUM     job number (RNG stream number)
  --seed SEED           RNG seed
                        Location of ice model param files
  --IceModel ICEMODEL   ice model subdirectory
  --holeiceparametrization HOLEICEPARAMETRIZATION
                        Location of hole ice param files
  --oversize OVERSIZE   over-R: DOM radius oversize scaling factor
  --efficiency EFFICIENCY
                        overall DOM efficiency correction
                        any other parameters for proposal
                        Photon Series Name
  --GPU GPU             Graphics Processing Unit number (shoud default to
                        environment if None)
  --no-UseGPUs          Don't use Graphics Processing Unit for photon
  --backgroundfile BACKGROUNDFILE
                        Background filename
  --backgroundrate BACKGROUNDRATE
                        Background rate (Hz) (don't use with corsika)
  --mctype MCTYPE       Type of primary simulation
  --UsePPC              Use PPC for photon propagation instead of CLSim.
  --TimeWindow TIMEWINDOW
                        Coincidence time window