IceTray Inspect Quick Reference


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Project BadDomList

Invoke with: import icecube.BadDomList

Project bayesian-priors

Invoke with: import icecube.bayesian_priors

Project CascadeVariables

Invoke with: import icecube.CascadeVariables

  • I3VetoModule (C++ I3Module) - IceTray module to fill an I3Veto object from a given response map.

Project clast

Invoke with: import icecube.clast

Project clsim

Invoke with: import icecube.clsim

  • I3MuonSliceRemoverAndPulseRelabeler (C++ I3Module) - Removes muon slices in I3MCTree objects as written by I3MuonSlicer and re-labels I3MCPEs generated from these so that they refer back to the original muon.

  • I3MuonSlicer (C++ I3Module) - takes an MC tree with a muon that has been propagated using MMC (i.e. a muon with cascades as daughter particles). It chops the muon track into slices with estimated energies. All the original muon will be retained and all slices will be added to the muon as daughter particles. So you will end up with a long muon track with cascades and shorter muons as daughter particles. Make sure your light propagation knows how to handle this (you run the risk of having light generated twice, once for the parent (=long) track and again for the daughters muon tracks).

  • I3ShadowedPhotonRemoverModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3TauSanitizer (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • AsyncTap (Python I3Module) - Starts a module or a segment on its own tray in its own process and pipes frames from the current tray to the child tray. Can be used for things like asynchronous file writing. The frames will never get back to the master module, so this is effecively a “fork”.

  • FakeFlasherInfoGenerator (Python I3Module) - Generate fake I3FlasherInfoVect frame objects.

  • FlasherInfoVectToFlasherPulseSeriesConverter (Python I3Module) - Read I3FlasherInfo objects from the frame, apply knowledge taken from various places (wiki, C.Wendt, ppc, photonics, …) and create I3FlasherPulse objects desribing the light output of individual LEDs.

  • StandardCandleFlasherPulseSeriesGenerator (Python I3Module) - Generates I3FlasherPulse objects for IceCube Standard Candle (I&II) simulation.

  • AverageShadowFraction (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3CLSimMakeHits (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • I3CLSimMakeHitsFromPhotons (I3Tray segment) - Convert I3Photons into I3MCPEs. This applies the DOM angular acceptance (and wavenelgth acceptance in case you are using the unbiased photon propagation mode.)

  • I3CLSimMakePhotons (I3Tray segment) - Do standard clsim processing up to the I3Photon level. These photons still need to be converted to I3MCPEs to be usable for further steps in the standard IceCube MC processing chain. Reads its particles from an I3MCTree and writes an I3PhotonSeriesMap.

  • TabulatePhotonsFromSource (I3Tray segment) - Tabulate the distribution of photoelectron yields on IceCube DOMs from various light sources. The light profiles of the sources are computed from the same parameterizations used in PPC, but like in the direct propagation mode can be computed using GEANT4 instead.

  • I3CLSimTabulatePhotons (I3Tray segment) - Do standard clsim processing up to the I3Photon level. These photons still need to be converted to I3MCPEs to be usable for further steps in the standard IceCube MC processing chain. Reads its particles from an I3MCTree and writes an I3PhotonSeriesMap.

Project cmc

Invoke with: import icecube.cmc

Project coinc-twc

Invoke with: import icecube.coinc_twc

Project CoincSuite

Invoke with: import icecube.CoincSuite

  • AfterpulseDiscard (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • AfterpulseTester (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • AlignmentTester (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CausalConnectTester (C++ I3Module) - A I3Module testing if two series of Pulses are connected topologically and in timing of two fractions of Pulses, test if they: are happening after each other from the COG of the respective last three and respective first three Pulses evaluate horizontal distance, vertical distance, maximum time difference and the CT-time-residual.

  • CylinderPulsesTester (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • DecisionMaker (C++ I3Module) - A class to unify all decisions of the tester modules and make a final decision, if these events should be recombined or not.

  • FakeHypoFrameReverter (C++ I3Module) - A Module that wipes away CoincSuite-keys of FAKE HypoFrames and reverts them to clean (plain) P-frames.

  • HypoFrameCreator (C++ I3Module) - A I3Module that creates HypoFrames by forcefully combining all 2-permutations of SplitFrames, or if a the Parameter ‘Flagname’ is defined, only frames of which one is holding the flag will be combined.

  • HypoFrameFaker (C++ I3Module) - A Module that forces recombination keys onto frames which could act like hypothesis of a DOUBLE split (e.g. ‘in_ice’)

  • NoiseClusterDiscard (C++ I3Module) - A Module that does ID noise events in a very crude way.

  • ReducingLikelihoodTester (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • SpeedTester (C++ I3Module) - A Tester-Module testing if the ParticleFit speed of a hypoFit is comparable to light speed in vacuum.

  • TrackLikelihoodTester (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TrackSystemTester (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • cogCausalConnectTester (C++ I3Module) - A I3Module testing if two series of Pulses are connected topologically and in timing of two fractions of Pulses, test if they: are happening after each other from the COG of the respective last three and respective first three Pulses evaluate horizontal distance, vertical distance, maximum time difference and the ct time-residual.

  • impCausalConnectTester (C++ I3Module) - A I3Module testing if two series of Pulses are connected topologically and have correct timing Of two fractions of pulses, test if they: -are happening after each other -the last/first emission point of !direct! Cherenkov-light hitting a DOM -horizontal distance, -vertical distance, -maximum time difference -and the CT-time- residual.

  • Counter (Python I3Module) - A counter function of wrong splits: can also select only these events that were wrong to be pushed

  • FilterSelector (Python I3Module) - Selects filters from the FilterMask and issues a given number of events

  • KeySelector (Python I3Module) - Select only framePackets that have these keys present in the Q-frame

  • OnlyNPrimaries (Python I3Module) - A function to select only events with a given number of primaries by checking in the I3MCTree

  • ReducedCountMaker (Python I3Module) - A helper to make the ReducedCount available as an I3Int in the Q-frames. Does put a key <I3Int>(SplitName+”ReducedCount”)==0 into the frame.

  • SplitCountMaker (Python I3Module) - A helper to make the SplitCount available as an I3Int in the Q-frames Puts a key <I3Int>(SplitName+”ReducedCount”)==0 into the frame

  • Stepper (Python I3Module) - Convenience function for debugging: automatically prints out for every DAQ-frame a increasing count, its run_id and event_id

  • UpDownCounter (Python I3Module) - Counts if tracks are up or down-going; runs on P-frames of a given SplitName

  • createTimeWindow (Python I3Module) - Determine the time window defined by first and last pulse in ‘InputPulses’ and extend it by ‘offest’ ns at the beginning and end

  • discardEmptySplits (Python I3Module) - Discard Splits there the frame is effectively discardEmptySplits

  • moveObjects (Python I3Module) - Move the specified objects between the frames of the Originial and the Target stream; if the flag is specified only flaged frames from the original stream are considered

  • Complete (I3Tray segment) - A segment doing everything that CoincSuite possibly provide. Run after your splitter, which has written the SplitFrames and SplitCount

Project common_variables

Invoke with: import icecube.common_variables

  • I3DirectHitsCalculator (Python I3Module) - This icetray module calculates the common event variables for direct hits. A hit is considered direct when the time residual falls within a specified time window. The time residual is defined as the observed time of a hit minus the expected time, based on a track emitting light at the Cherenkov angle.

  • I3HitMultiplicityCalculator (Python I3Module) - This icetray module calculates the hit multiplicity variables, e.g. NHitStrings, NHitDoms, NHitDomsOnePulse, and NPulses.

  • I3HitStatisticsCalculator (Python I3Module) - This icetray module calculates the hit statistics variables, e.g. COG, PulseTimeSpan, QMinDoms, QMaxDoms, QTotPulses, ZMean, ZSigma, and ZTravel.

  • I3TimeCharacteristicsCalculator (Python I3Module) - This icetray module calculates the time_characteristics cut variables for a given I3Geometry, a given I3RecoPulseSeriesMap.

  • I3TrackCharacteristicsCalculator (Python I3Module) - This icetray module calculates the track characteristics cut variables for a given I3Geometry, a given I3RecoPulseSeriesMap, and a given track (given through an I3Particle object).

  • I3DirectHitsCalculatorSegment (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment adds the icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.I3DirectHitsCalculator icetray module to the tray. The traysegment takes the same arguments as the icetray module does, plus the following additional keyword arguments:

  • I3DirectHitsValuesBookerSegment (I3Tray segment) - This traysegment generates and returns tableio converter keys to book the direct hits calculation results from the frame.

  • I3HitMultiplicityCalculatorSegment (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment adds the icecube.common_variables.I3HitMultiplicityCalculator icetray module to the tray. The traysegment takes the same arguments as the icetray module does, plus the following additional keyword arguments:

  • I3HitMultiplicityValuesBookerSegment (I3Tray segment) - This traysegment generates and returns tableio converter keys to book the hit multiplicity calculation results from the frame.

  • I3HitStatisticsCalculatorSegment (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment adds the icecube.common_variables.I3HitStatisticsCalculator icetray module to the tray. The traysegment takes the same arguments as the icetray module does, plus the following additional keyword arguments:

  • I3HitStatisticsValuesBookerSegment (I3Tray segment) - This traysegment generates and returns tableio converter keys to book the hit statistics calculation results from the frame.

  • I3TimeCharacteristicsCalculatorSegment (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment adds the icecube.common_variables.track_.I3TrackCalculator icetray module to the tray. The traysegment takes the same arguments as the icetray module does, plus the following additional keyword arguments:

  • I3TimeCharacteristicsValuesBookerSegment (I3Tray segment) - This traysegment generates and returns tableio converter keys to book the I3TimeCharacteristicsValues frame object from the frame.

  • I3TrackCharacteristicsCalculatorSegment (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment adds the icecube.common_variables.track_characteristics.I 3TrackCharacteristicsCalculator icetray module to the tray. The traysegment takes the same arguments as the icetray module does, plus the following additional keyword arguments:

  • I3TrackCharacteristicsValuesBookerSegment (I3Tray segment) - This traysegment generates and returns tableio converter keys to book the I3TrackCharacteristicsValues frame object from the frame.

  • I3TimeCharacteristicsValuesConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3TimeCharacteristicsValues tableio converter converts an I3TimeCharacteristicsValues frame object into a data table verbatim.

Project core-removal

Invoke with: import icecube.core_removal

  • I3CascadeFitCoreRemoval (C++ I3Module) - A module that is designed to separate a single set of pusles into two sets of pulses, based on a prior vertex seed, and a prior energy fit (although this can be done in- house using an energy to nch calibration).

Project corsika-reader

Invoke with: import icecube.corsika_reader

Project cramer-rao

Invoke with: import icecube.cramer_rao

  • CramerRao (C++ I3Module) - calculates estimator

Project cscd-llh

Invoke with: import icecube.cscd_llh

  • I3CscdLlhModule (C++ I3Module) - IceTray module for executing a LLH reconstruction.

Project daq-decode

Invoke with: import icecube.daq_decode

Project dataclasses

Invoke with: import icecube.dataclasses

Project dataio

Invoke with: import icecube.dataio

  • DeleteUnregistered (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3InfiniteSource (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3MultiWriter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3Reader (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3Writer (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • QConverter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3Reader (I3Tray segment) - Read an .i3 file. This supports remote files by specifying URLs and will stage them in an auto-configured local scratch directory.

Project ddddr

Invoke with: import icecube.ddddr

  • I3MuonEnergy (C++ I3Module) - This module estimates and fits the energy loss along a given track.

  • I3TrueMuonEnergy (C++ I3Module) - This module calculates the total energy of a muon bundle by summing up the contribution of each muon for each bin along the track of the whole bundle.

  • TrueAndRecoMuonEnergy (I3Tray segment) - This segment uses the I3TrueMuonEnergy module and the I3MuonEnergy module to compare the true and the reconstructed energy loss along the true Monte Carlo track.

  • I3MuonEnergyParamsConverter (TableIO converter) - <undocumented>

  • I3MuonEnergyCascadeParamsConverter (TableIO converter) - <undocumented>

Project DeepCore_Filter

Invoke with: import icecube.DeepCore_Filter

Project dipolefit

Invoke with: import icecube.dipolefit

  • I3DipoleFit (C++ I3Module) - IceTray module to implement the dipole fit first guess routine.

  • DFTest (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • DFTestAMA (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • DFTestIC23 (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • DFTestMinHit (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • DFTestRecoos (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

Project DOMLauncher

Invoke with: import icecube.DOMLauncher

  • DOMLauncher (C++ I3Module) - A module that simulates the detector response.

  • PMTResponseSimulator (C++ I3Module) - A module which simulates the behaviour of a PMT.

  • split_by_type (Python I3Module) - A module that takes an input map (MCPE, MCPulse) and splits it into separate maps depending on the module types of each hit. This will be useful for the transitionally case of separate DOM simulation code for Gen2/Upgrade from Gen1’s DOMLauncher code. Note that you can set one of the output names in the map to match the input: in that case, the input hit map will be overwritten.

  • DetectorResponse (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Project DomTools

Invoke with: import icecube.DomTools

Project dst

Invoke with: import icecube.dst

  • DSTTestGenerator (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3DSTDAQModule13 (C++ I3Module) - I3DSTDAQModule13 is part of the dst project. I3DSTDAQModule13 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event.

  • I3DSTExtractor13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3DSTExtractor16 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3DSTModule13 (C++ I3Module) - I3DSTModule13 is part of the dst project. I3DSTModule13 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event.

  • I3DSTModule16 (C++ I3Module) - I3DSTModule16 is part of the dst project. I3DSTModule16 extracts key information about physics events and generates an I3DST objec which is a very compact representation of an event.

  • CheckFrameIndex (Python I3Module) - Check that frame order is preserved after buffering

  • ExtractDST (I3Tray segment) - Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event.

  • ExtractDST13 (I3Tray segment) - Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event.

  • DSTFilter (I3Tray segment) - Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event.

  • TDSTConverter (TableIO converter) - <undocumented>

Project earthmodel-service

Invoke with: import icecube.earthmodel_service

Project fill-ratio

Invoke with: import icecube.fill_ratio

Project filter-tools

Invoke with: import icecube.filter_tools

  • CreateFilterMask (C++ I3Module) - This module creates an I3FilterResultMap based on the I3Bools in the frame.

  • DistributePnFObjects (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • FilterCheckModule (C++ I3Module) - This module verifies the result of the pole filter.

  • FilterMask2Bools (C++ I3Module) - This module takes an existing I3FilterResultMap and writes out each filter result individually to the frame as an I3Bool given by conditionPassed AND (IgnorePrescale OR prescalePassed), where IgnorePrescale is a parameter of FilterMask2Bools. Original intent was to pass bools to the flat-ntuple module.

  • FilterMaskMaker (C++ I3Module) - A module to create a FilterResultMap (aka FilterMask) based on I3Bools in the frame with configurable prescales.

  • I3IceForkModule_FilterMaskFilter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3IcePickModule_FilterMaskFilter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • KeepFromSubstream (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • OrPframeFilterMasks (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ParticleCheck (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • FilterMaskMaker (Python I3Module) - A module to generate a FilterMask (stored at OutputMask parameter name) based on an input list of Filter names (expected as I3Bools in frame) and prescales (as input FilterConfigs list, expected as a list)

  • I3IcePickInstaller_FilterMaskFilter (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • AnalysisClientRehydrate (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • PnfResplitter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Project filterscripts

Invoke with: import icecube.filterscripts

  • I3FilterModule_I3BoolFilter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3CascadeFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3CosmicRayFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3EHEAlertFilter_15 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3EHEFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3FSSCandidate_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3FSSFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3FilterMinBias (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3HeseFilter_15 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3HighQFilter_17 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3LowUpFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3MeseFilter_15 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3MuonFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3OnlineL2Filter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3ShadowFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterModule_I3VEFFilter_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3FilterRate (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TriggerCheck_13 (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TriggerReducer (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • FlaringDOMFilter (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3HistogramLLH (Python I3Module) - Use a precalcuated S/B-likelihood histogram to calculate the likelihood ratio for each event.

  • I3TimeResidualBooker (Python I3Module) - This module stores the time residuals of a pulsemap with respect to a given fit.

  • I3Vectorize (Python I3Module) - Extend a given frame object to match the length of another vector-like object.

  • ReevaluateTriggerOnIceTopSplit (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • LaunchDowngrader (Python I3Module) - This module duplicates an IceTopRawData object in the frame. The duplicate is exactly the same as the input except that all launches that have the LC bit off are discarded and those that have the LC bit on are ‘downgraded’, turning the LC bit off.

  • ChargeCleaning (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ClipStartStop (Python I3Module) - Run startup is complicated, and data may be recorded before it is complete. As a result, we need to listen to what the DAQ says was the range of times when everything was really up and running, and discard events outside.

  • CalculateGaps (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • IceTopWaveformSplitter (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ChargeCleaning (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • PulseMaskShortcutter (Python I3Module) - Create a copy of a pulse mask, pointing directly to a specific source, leaving out all the intermediate masks. This module loops through the mask sources for the given PulseMaskName until a non-mask source is reached, then it creates a copy of the PulseMaskName pointing directly to the non-mask source, without intermediate steps, put into the frame as ShortcutName. Alternatively, one can name a desired source with OrigSourceName.

  • AlertEventFollowup (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • CompressGCD (I3Tray segment) - Use frame_object_diff to generate compressed versions of the GCD objects.

  • OnlineFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • BaseProcessing (I3Tray segment) - Decode payloads, calibrate waveforms, extract pulses, and run basic reconstructions.

  • DAQTrimmer (I3Tray segment) - Strip launches that were well-represented out of the DAQ payload, leaving only SuperDST for these readouts. Save in ‘Output’ the less-well represented raw readouts.

  • SimTrimmer (I3Tray segment) - Save a flag for events with less-well represented raw readouts.

  • DOMCleaning (I3Tray segment) - Apply DOMLaunch cleaning with permanent bad doms

  • OnlineCalibration (I3Tray segment) - Apply the Waveform calibration and pulse extraction.

  • SuperDST (I3Tray segment) - Pack pulses extracted from InIce and IceTop DOMs into a SuperDST payload, and set up aliases pointing to the entire event as well as just to the InIce and IceTop portions.

  • CascadeFilter (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment is a first version of the 2013 cascade filter segment.

  • CosmicRayFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DeepCoreFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DMIceTrigFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DSTFilter (I3Tray segment) - Record in compact form limited information from reconstructions, triggers and cut parameters for every triggered event.

  • EHEAlertFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • EHECalibration (I3Tray segment) - Run WaveCalibrator w/o droop correction. DeepCore DOMs are omitted. Split waveforms up into two maps FADC and ATWD (highest-gain unsaturated channel)

  • EHEFilter (I3Tray segment) - EHEFilter

  • ESTReSFilter (I3Tray segment) - Traysegment for the Enhanced Starting Track Realtime Stream (ESTReS) Default settings are the recommended settings in Table 1 of the TFT proposal For a rate around 60 events a day use veto_tresh = 10**-5 distance_tresh = 300. homogonized_charge_cut = 250. vertex_charge_cut = 25. zenith_angle_cut = 180.

  • ESTReSFollowup (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • FixedRateTrigFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • FPFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • FSSFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • GammaFollowUp (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment does the 2017 Gamma-Ray Follow-Up filtering.

  • GRECOOnlineFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DCL3MasterSegment (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DeepCoreCuts (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • HeseFilter (I3Tray segment) - Traysegment for a potential HESE filter. NEW

  • HighQFilter (I3Tray segment) - Traysegment for a high charge filter (formerly EHE).

  • IceActTrigFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • Split_and_Recombine (I3Tray segment) - A tray-segment to perform event-splitting and event-recombination at low-level in data processing

  • IceTopTwoStationFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • IceTopFilterSelectedStations (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • ExtractHLCsAsSLCs (I3Tray segment) - Segment to add a list of HLC pulses that have been processed like SLCs. It starts from the raw data, discards pulses with LC bit off, takes the pulses with LC bit on and turns it off, and extracts the pulses.

  • LowUpFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • MeseFilter (I3Tray segment) - Traysegment for the MESE veto filter. NEW

  • MinBiasFilters (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • ScintMinBiasFilters (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • MonopoleFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • monopoleCV (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • MuonFilter (I3Tray segment) - Traysegment for the 2012 (Dragon processing) muon filter. No nch decision is made as in 2011 (this may change with the SDST decision).

  • InstallTables (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • IceTopCalibration (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • InIceCalibration (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • OfflineCalibration (I3Tray segment) - Re-do calibration and feature extraction for those launches that were sent in raw form, unifying the results with the pulses sent as SuperDST only. Also performs bad- DOM cleaning on the final output pulses.

  • Dehydration (I3Tray segment) - Use this for PnF files (or online L1) that have not been run through PConverter.

  • Rehydration (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • EHEWriter (I3Tray segment) - EHE Output

  • GapsWriter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • IceTopWriter (I3Tray segment) - IceTop Output

  • RootWriter (I3Tray segment) - Root Output

  • SLOPWriter (I3Tray segment) - SLOP Output

  • EHECalibration (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • CascadeHitCleaning (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DeepCoreHitCleaning (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • HitCleaningEHE (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • IceTopCoincTWCleaning (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • BasicCleaning (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • FiniteRecoCleaning (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • WimpHitCleaning (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • CalibrateAndExtractIceTop (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • OfflineCascadeReco (I3Tray segment) - <undocumented>

  • TopoSplitFits_Doubles (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • TopoSplitFits_Singles (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • OfflineDeepCoreReco (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • ReconstructionEHE (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • IceTopPrefits (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • LaputopSmallShower (I3Tray segment) - This is the standard Laputop configuration for small showers from scripts/trunk/laputop_traysegments/

  • LaputopStandard (I3Tray segment) - This is the standard Laputop configuration from $I3_SRC/toprec/python/

  • OfflineCoincMuonReco (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • ReconstructIceTop (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • MonopoleL2 (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • monopoleCV (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • MPE (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • MuEX (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • OfflineMuonReco (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • SPE (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • add_hit_verification_info_muon_and_wimp (I3Tray segment) - Adds hit information to the frame for verification purposes.

  • add_hit_verification_info_muon_only (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • SLOPLevel2 (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • BasicFits (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • FiniteReco (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • WimpReco (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • OfflineFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • OpticalFollowUp (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment is doing the 2014 OpticalFollowUp filtering.

  • OnlineL2Filter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • SplineMPEBootstrapping (I3Tray segment) - Perform advanced error estimation using the bootstrapping technique. The pulses are resampled 6 times and the 50% containment radius is calculated from the subsequent fits.

  • SplineMPEParaboloid (I3Tray segment) - Perform advanced error estimation using the Paraboloid fit.

  • audit (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • generate (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • sdst_to_l1 (I3Tray segment) - SDST to L1, the second part of L1

  • raw_to_sdst (I3Tray segment) - PFRaw to SDST, the first part of L1

  • ShadowFilter (I3Tray segment) - Sun and moon filters for 2013-2014 online filter season (and probably also later). Almost identical to the 2012-2013 season. This segment takes only one configuration parameter, namely the “mcseed”, which is the seed for the random number generator used for picking a relevant MJD in corsika simulated data (the simulation does not provide useful event times). - DO NOT SET THIS PARAMETER TO A NONZERO VALUE FOR EXPERIMENTAL DATA! - IF YOU DO SET IT, MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE GENERATED FAKE MJD TIMES

  • SLOPFilter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • SLOPSplitter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • TopologicalSplitting (I3Tray segment) - Applies the topological splitter to the DAQ frame by first doing a SeededRTHitCleaning, then splitting events with the I3TopologicalSplitter.

  • VEFFilter (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment is the Vertical Event Filter segment.

  • IceTopVEMCal (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Project finiteReco

Invoke with: import icecube.finiteReco

  • I3FiniteCutsModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3LengthLLH (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3StartStopLProb (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3StartStopPoint (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3GulliverFinitePhPnhFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • advancedLengthReco (I3Tray segment) - Advanced length reconstruction. The reconstructed vertex and stopping point are found by a likelihood minimization using gulliver. Only hits within a cylinder with radius cylinderRadius around inputReco are considered. The simple length reconstruction is run first, and its output is used for seeding the advanced reconstruction. Note that the pulse map inputPulses should in most cases have a soft hit cleaning, e.g. classicRT.

  • advancedSplineLengthReco (I3Tray segment) - Advanced length reconstruction. The reconstructed vertex and stopping point are found by a likelihood minimization using gulliver. Only hits within a cylinder with radius cylinderRadius around inputReco are considered. The simple length reconstruction is run first, and its output is used for seeding the advanced reconstruction. Note that the pulse map inputPulses should in most cases have a soft hit cleaning, e.g. classicRT.

  • simpleLengthReco (I3Tray segment) - Simple length reconstruction. The reconstructed vertex and stopping point are found by simply projecting back from the first and last hit of inputPulses on the track inputReco. Only hits within a cylinder with radius cylinderRadius around that track are considered. Note that the input pulse map inputPulses should in most cases have a soft hit cleaning, e.g. classicRT.

  • simpleSplineLengthReco (I3Tray segment) - Simple length reconstruction. The reconstructed vertex and stopping point are found by simply projecting back from the first and last hit of inputPulses on the track inputReco. Only hits within a cylinder with radius cylinderRadius around that track are considered. Note that the input pulse map inputPulses should in most cases have a soft hit cleaning, e.g. classicRT.

Project frame_object_diff

Invoke with: import icecube.frame_object_diff

  • CalibrationCompressor (Python I3Module) - :param base_filename: Base filename to compress against :param base_frame: (optional) Frame from base filename to compress against Can be an actual frame object, or a callable that returns a frame object. :param inline_compression: (optional) Enable/disable inline compression (default enabled) :param frame_callback: (optional) Callback to receive compressed frames :param If: (optional) Callable to decide whether to run on the frame.

  • CalibrationUncompressor (Python I3Module) - :param base_frame: (optional) Frame from base filename to uncompress against. Can be an actual frame object, or a callable that returns a frame object. :param keep_compressed: (optional) Enable/disable keeping compressed objects in frame (default disabled) :param frame_callback: (optional) Callback to receive uncompressed frames instead of writing them in the frame stream. :param If: (optional) Callable to decide whether to run on the frame.

  • DetectorStatusCompressor (Python I3Module) - :param base_filename: Base filename to compress against :param base_frame: (optional) Frame from base filename to compress against Can be an actual frame object, or a callable that returns a frame object. :param inline_compression: (optional) Enable/disable inline compression (default enabled) :param frame_callback: (optional) Callback to receive compressed frames :param If: (optional) Callable to decide whether to run on the frame.

  • DetectorStatusUncompressor (Python I3Module) - :param base_frame: (optional) Frame from base filename to uncompress against. Can be an actual frame object, or a callable that returns a frame object. :param keep_compressed: (optional) Enable/disable keeping compressed objects in frame (default disabled) :param frame_callback: (optional) Callback to receive uncompressed frames instead of writing them in the frame stream. :param If: (optional) Callable to decide whether to run on the frame.

  • GeometryCompressor (Python I3Module) - :param base_filename: Base filename to compress against :param base_frame: (optional) Frame from base filename to compress against Can be an actual frame object, or a callable that returns a frame object. :param inline_compression: (optional) Enable/disable inline compression (default enabled) :param frame_callback: (optional) Callback to receive compressed frames :param If: (optional) Callable to decide whether to run on the frame.

  • GeometryUncompressor (Python I3Module) - :param base_frame: (optional) Frame from base filename to uncompress against. Can be an actual frame object, or a callable that returns a frame object. :param keep_compressed: (optional) Enable/disable keeping compressed objects in frame (default disabled) :param frame_callback: (optional) Callback to receive uncompressed frames instead of writing them in the frame stream. :param If: (optional) Callable to decide whether to run on the frame.

  • compress (I3Tray segment) - A general compressor for GCD frames.

  • inline_compress (I3Tray segment) - An inline compressor for GCD frames in the same file.

  • inline_uncompress (I3Tray segment) - An inline uncompressor for GCD frames. The reverse of inline_compress.

  • uncompress (I3Tray segment) - A general uncompressor for GCD frames. The reverse of compress.

Project full_event_followup

Invoke with: import icecube.full_event_followup

  • I3FullEventFollowupReader (Python I3Module) - Acts as a driving module / reader. This module will use a callback function accepting a full frame packet (usually GCDQP). This is not meant for standard data processing as it circumvents the frame mix-in mechanism on purpose. It can be used to feed modules from data from the full-event followup (used for the HESE follow-up, for example). If the callback function returns None, processing will be stopped.

  • I3FullEventFollowupWriter (Python I3Module) - Sends a full frame packet (usually GCDQP) for each P-frame to a writer callback function provided to the module using the “WriterCallback” parameter. Use the “If” parameter to select P-frames to send and the “Keys” parameter to define a whitelist of the frame objects to include (all objects will be included if unset).

Project gcdserver

Invoke with: import icecube.gcdserver

Project genie_reader

Invoke with: import icecube.genie_reader

Project gulliver

Invoke with: import icecube.gulliver

Project gulliver-bootstrap

Invoke with: import icecube.gulliver_bootstrap

  • BootstrapSeedTweak (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • BootStrappingSeedServiceFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • BootstrappingLikelihoodServiceFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • I3BootstrappedFit (I3Tray segment) - Run a series of bootstrapped gulliver fits (fits to resamplings of the existing pulses). The variation in direction of the fit results is used to compute an estimate of the angular error of the reconstruction of the original pulses (with the same likelihood). Optionally, run a reconstruction of the original pulses, using each of the resampled fit results (and the average of the resampled fit results) as a seed.

Project gulliver-modules

Invoke with: import icecube.gulliver_modules

  • I3IterativeFitter (C++ I3Module) - Gulliver-based module to perform iterative reconstructions.

  • I3LogLikelihoodCalculator (C++ I3Module) - Gulliver-based module to compute the log-likelihood for a given track.

  • I3SimpleFitter (C++ I3Module) - Gulliver-based module to perform simple generic log-likelihood reconstructions.

  • I3FortyTwo (Python I3Module) - Check processing results

  • Pcount (Python I3Module) - Progress meter

  • GulliView (Python I3Module) - Likelihood space visualization

Project hdfwriter

Invoke with: import icecube.hdfwriter

  • I3HDFWriter (I3Tray segment) - Tabulate data to an HDF5 file.

  • I3SimHDFWriter (I3Tray segment) - Tabulate untriggered data (Q frames only, no event headers)

Project icepick

Invoke with: import icecube.icepick

Project icetop_Level3_scripts

Invoke with: import icecube.icetop_Level3_scripts

  • AddReadoutTimeWindow (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • AddSLCCalibration (Python I3Module) - Takes a GCD files, a jsonl file with p0/p1 calibration information and COP calculation catalog for estimating the crossover points. Adds a I3IceTopSLCCalibrationCollection frame object to the C frame with the SLC calibrations constants for all IceTop DOMs (also for the “chip unknown” case) and the COPs which is where the ATWD channels are expected to switch.

  • AddTanks (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ChangeSnowHeight (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ChangeSnowHeight_interpolated (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CheckContainment (Python I3Module) - I3Module to check if a list of I3Particles is contained within IceTop and the in-ice array. For IceTop two kinds of containment are defined: OnionContainment (number) and FractionContainment (number). + InFillContainment (bool). Additionally, InIceFractionContainment (number) is put in the frame.

  • CheckFilter (Python I3Module) - I3Module to check the filter mask.

  • CorrectMCPrimaryCoreTime (Python I3Module) - I3Module to apply a correction to SLC charges.

  • CutSnowHeight (Python I3Module) - Module to cut the snow height in case we suffered from the observation level bug

  • DOMselection_InIce (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Early_cleaning_InIce (Python I3Module) - Test on double coinc data (select 1 day, first_time II - first_time IT < 4us) RESULT: WORKS perfectly, but not that fast… !! defines function which selects hits in cylinder around the track and hits can’t be earlier than track

  • FilterWaveforms (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • FixGCDTankABOrdering (Python I3Module) - In some GCD files, the two tanks in a station are listed in reverse order (with the first tank containing DOM’s 63 and 64, the second containing 61 and 62). The coordinates of the tank are consistent with the DOM’s listed within them, so all we need to do is swap the ordering of the two I3TankGeo’s in the list.

  • I3IceTopSLCTimeCorrect (Python I3Module) - I3Module to apply a correction to SLC charges.

  • I3VEMConverter (Python I3Module) - I3Module to calibrate waveforms. This module replicates the calibration applied in tpx/I3TopHLCPulseExtractor, which does not add the VEM-calibrated waveform to the frame.

  • InIceQualityCuts (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MakeQualityCuts (Python I3Module) - Module which actually does the cuts: Look whether they survived the quality cuts. If not: remove OR put bools in a common frameObject which you can evaluate later.

  • MassageMillipedeOutput (Python I3Module) - Massage the output: remove the fake peaks. TODO : use the covariance matrix/Fisher information matrix to decide better

  • MaxSignalCuts (Python I3Module) - I3Module to do simple standard cuts based on the maximum signal. The main check is that the largest signal is not on the edge of the array.

  • MoveMCPrimary (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • RecalibrateVEMPulses (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ReevaluateTriggerOnIceTopSplit (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • SanityCheckStationGeo (Python I3Module) - Cruise through the “StationGeo” object in I3Geometry, and see if the ordering of the tanks is “conventional ordering” or not.

  • SnowCorrectPulses (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • StationDensity (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • StripIFrames (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • UpdateNames (Python I3Module) - I3ConditionalModule to change names from older naming conventions to newer ones, to make life easier later.

  • UpdateVEMCal (Python I3Module) - This module locates the VEMCal file for a certain date (which is the big bunch of ugly work down here), And replaces the VEMCal values in the calibration frame. It puts the (wrong) values present in the L2 GCD in separate frame objects, since we need them for the correction.

  • cleanBadThinning (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CleanIceTop (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • EnergylossReco (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • ExtractWaveforms (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • FixIC79MCDeThinningBug (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • IceTopQualityCuts (I3Tray segment) - Segment to collect all IceTop quality cuts. Last module in this segment:

  • MakeHistograms (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • ReRunFilters (I3Tray segment) - This segment is run because of the inconsistency between the different years regarding filtermask names, etc. We will rerun the filter on the P frame.

  • SelectCleanInIcePulses (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • SimulateBackground (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • OfflineIceTopReco (I3Tray segment) - Adds the following IceTop reconstructions to the frame:

  • RemoveOldLevel2 (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • level3_Coinc (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • muonReconstructions (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Project icetray

Invoke with: import icecube.icetray

  • AddNulls (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • AllParametersModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • BottomlessSource (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ContextFreeServiceTestModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Copy (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CountFrames (C++ I3Module) - An icetray module which will check whether a configurable set of frame elements is (or is not) present on each stream.

  • CountObject (C++ I3Module) - An icetray module which will count the number of frame objects at some location and verify against some expected number passed as an argument.

  • CreateBlobs (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Delete (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Dump (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Fork (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • FrameCheck (C++ I3Module) - An icetray module which will check whether a configurable set of frame elements is (or is not) present on each stream.

  • Get (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • IntGenerator (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Keep (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • LoggingExampleModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MaintainInitialValuesModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ManyStreamsSource (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • PhysicsBuffer (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Rename (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TrashCan (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • RoundRobinStreams (Python I3Module) - Module creates and pushes frames of different types.

Project KalmanFilter

Invoke with: import icecube.KalmanFilter

Project LeptonInjector

Invoke with: import icecube.LeptonInjector

Project level3_filter_cascade

Invoke with: import icecube.level3_filter_cascade

  • HoboTimeSplitter (Python I3Module) - Split an event into halves on the charge-weighted mean time.

  • RateTracker (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CascadeL3 (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • L3_Monopod (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • preparePulses (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • HighLevelFits (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • multiCalculator (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • CascadeLlhVertexFit (I3Tray segment) - Run CscdLlhVertexFit, seeded with CLast.

  • CoreRemovalFits (I3Tray segment) - Remove the cascade-like core of pulses around a reconstructed vertex from the event, and run SPEFit+CscdLlh on the core and corona separately.

  • SPEFit (I3Tray segment) - Run SPE Fit.

  • SplitFits (I3Tray segment) - Run SPEFit and CascadeLlh on split pulse series named thing_0 and thing_1.

  • TimeSplitFits (I3Tray segment) - Split the event in two time haves and run SPEFit+CscdLlh on each half separately

  • runVeto_Coinc (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • runVeto_Singles (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • TopologicalCounter (I3Tray segment) - Count the number of topological clusters in a given pulse series map, using only the first HLC pulse in each DOM.

Project level3-filter-muon

Invoke with: import icecube.level3_filter_muon

  • SplitTimeWindowCalculator (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • StaticDOMTimeWindowCleaning (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TimeWindowCollector (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MuonL3 (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • RestoreTimewindow (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • CalculateCutValues (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DoPrecuts (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • CleanInputStreams (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • CalculateShieldVars (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DoBayesianFit (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DoReconstructions (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DoSplineReco (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DoSplitFits (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • HighNoiseMPE (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • Paraboloid (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • SplitRecos (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • Truncated (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • SplitAndRecoHiveSplitter (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • WriteOutput (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Project lilliput

Invoke with: import icecube.lilliput

Project linefit

Invoke with: import icecube.linefit

Project millipede

Invoke with: import icecube.millipede

  • MillipedeDataChecker (C++ I3Module) - : Check pulses and binning thereof for crippling errors

  • MillipedeFisherMatrixCalculator (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Monopod (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MuMillipede (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • PyMillipede (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TauMillipede (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Plotsy (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • WaveformPlotsy (Python I3Module) - For more visual pop, plot refolded pulses instead of raw pulse times

  • MillipedeLikelihoodFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • MuMillipedeParametrizationFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • TauMillipedeParametrizationFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • AtmCscdEnergyReco (I3Tray segment) - Uses the Monopod module to emulate the behavior of ACER

  • HighEnergyExclusions (I3Tray segment) - Work around systematic errors in the modelling of the detector response by removing certain classes of DOMs from consideration that would otherwise over-contribute to Millipede likelihoods for events above a few hundred TeV.

  • MonopodFit (I3Tray segment) - Perform a Gulliver likelihood fit for the position, time, direction, and energy of a single cascade.

  • MuMillipedeFit (I3Tray segment) - Perform a Gulliver likelihood fit for the positions, times, directions, and energies of a string of equally spaced cascades and tracks.

  • TaupedeFit (I3Tray segment) - Perform a Gulliver likelihood fit for the position, time, direction, decay length, and energies of a tau double-bang event.

  • photorec (I3Tray segment) - Uses the Monopod module to emulate the behavior of I3PhotorecEnergyEstimator

Project ml_suite

Invoke with: import icecube.ml_suite

Project monopole-generator

Invoke with: import icecube.monopole_generator

Project mue

Invoke with: import icecube.mue

  • I3mue (C++ I3Module) - This module performs reconstruction of IceCube events.

  • muex (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

Project MuonGun

Invoke with: import icecube.MuonGun

Project neutrino-generator

Invoke with: import icecube.neutrino_generator

Project NoiseEngine

Invoke with: import icecube.NoiseEngine

Project NuRadioMCInterface

Invoke with: import icecube.NuRadioMCInterface

  • EventFilterModule (Python I3Module) - IceTray module which is a wrapper around the class EventFilter.

  • NuRadioMCReader (Python I3Module) - This module reads NuRadioMC’s hdf5 files and injects particles to simulated the optical counter part of radio-producing neutrino events. It only injects the primary neutrino and particles produced in the primary neutrino interaction: A secondary lepton and a hadron bundle. Any secondary particle interaction which might have been simulated with NuRadioMC using PROPOSAL is ignored! So far only neutral- and charge- current interactions are supported.

  • ParticleTypeRecover (Python I3Module) - This module sets the particle type of particles (of events) for which the type was not stored and set to “UNKNOWN” by the reader [#]_. The particle type for the primary neutrino and daughter lepton is only set if it can be determine unambiguously from “NuRadioMC_GeneratorInfo” (omitting the difference between (anti)neutrino as it does not matter at radio energies ~> 10 PeV).

Project offline_filterscripts

Invoke with: import icecube.offline_filterscripts

  • read_superdst_files (I3Tray segment) - Resplit compressed DST file (from Pole) and prepare for higher level processing.

Project online_filterscripts

Invoke with: import icecube.online_filterscripts

  • I3HistogramLLH (Python I3Module) - Use a precalcuated S/B-likelihood histogram to calculate the likelihood ratio.

  • I3TimeResidualBooker (Python I3Module) - A module to store the time residuals of a pulsemap with respect to a given fit.

  • I3Vectorize (Python I3Module) - Extend a given frame object to match the length of another vector-like object.

  • base_processing (I3Tray segment) - base_processing - tray segment for base processin.

  • online_basic_recos (I3Tray segment) - Apply some standard pulse cleaning and recostructions.

  • online_dst (I3Tray segment) - DST creation- Create I3DST22 and I3DSTHeader (1/1000 frames) objects.

  • CalcHeseLLHratio (I3Tray segment) - Calculate the LLH ratio for HESE filter.

  • HESE_filter (I3Tray segment) - Traysegment for online HESE filter.

  • HeseCalcChargeVeto (I3Tray segment) - Calculate the Homegenized Qtot, and veto calculations used by HESE.

  • L2Reco (I3Tray segment) - Perform recos for OnlineL2 selection.

  • NewL2AdvancedReco (I3Tray segment) - Run recos to run on events that pass the OnlineL2 filter.

  • online_l2_filter (I3Tray segment) - Make OnlineL2 selection.

  • CompressGCD (I3Tray segment) - Use frame_object_diff to generate compressed versions of the GCD objects.

  • alert_event_extractor (I3Tray segment) - Extract alert info object.

  • Cascade_filter (I3Tray segment) - Run the Online cascade filter.

  • DeepCoreFilter (I3Tray segment) - DeepCoreFilter tray segment.

  • GFUAngErrReco (I3Tray segment) - Find angular error for events that pass GFU filter.

  • GFUGetBDTScore (I3Tray segment) - Generate BDT score and add it to frame for events.

  • online_gfu_filter (I3Tray segment) - Add pieces of GFU filter to the tray.

  • MuonReco (I3Tray segment) - Reco for Muon Filter - Runs hit multiplicity and statistics for cut variables.

  • online_muon_filter (I3Tray segment) - Create the MuonFilter_23.

  • online_software_smt_retrigger (I3Tray segment) - Define a segment to check for each In-Ice split P-Frame.

  • pole_base_package_output (I3Tray segment) - Define Tray segment: pole_base_package_output.

  • pole_base_processing_and_filter (I3Tray segment) - Tray segment to drive data event processing at Pole.

Project ophelia

Invoke with: import icecube.ophelia

Project paraboloid

Invoke with: import icecube.paraboloid

  • I3ParaboloidFitter (C++ I3Module) - Evaluate the likelihood on a zenith-azimuth grid near a given track, fit a paraboloid.

Project payload-parsing

Invoke with: import icecube.payload_parsing

Project phys-services

Invoke with: import icecube.phys_services

Project polyplopia

Invoke with: import icecube.polyplopia

  • MPHitFilter (C++ I3Module) - An I3IcePick which selects events which have have MCPEs >= threshold.

  • PoissonMerger (C++ I3Module) - This modules implements the exponential distribution sampling exclusively. PoissonMerger assigns a random time to each event based on an exponential distribution with a mean time tau given as a configuration parameter. If two or more events fall within the time window delta_t, they are combined into a single event. Events are given an additional weight callde ‘PolyplopiaWeight’ which determines the likely hood of a combined event given a change in energy spectrum.

  • PoissonPEMerger (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CorsikaTimeScaleFixer (Python I3Module) - Adjusts the corsika timescale when only a fraction of events in a file are read. The module loops over the file to count the number of events at initialization and then uses this total number of events along with the number of events to read to rescale the TimeScale variable so that subsequent use of this file by e.g. polyplopia will correctly calculate the event rate.

  • PoissonPEMerger (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CoincidentI3ReaderServiceFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

Project portia

Invoke with: import icecube.portia

Project ppc

Invoke with: import icecube.ppc

  • i3ppc (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

Project production_histograms

Invoke with: import icecube.production_histograms

  • ProductionHistogramModule (Python I3Module) - This I3Module passes frames to any histograms and histogram modules loaded in the user-defined configuration.

Project pybdtmodule

Invoke with: import icecube.pybdtmodule

  • PyBDTModule (Python I3Module) - Add a BDT score to I3Frames.

Project radcube

Invoke with: import icecube.radcube

  • AddElectronicNoise (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • AddPhaseDelay (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • BandpassFilter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • BringTheNoise (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ChannelInjector (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CoREASToAntennaMap (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CoreasReader (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • EFieldCalculator (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ElectronicResponseAdder (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ElectronicResponseRemover (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • EstimateRadioShower (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MedianFrequencyFilter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • PedestalRemover (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TraceResampler (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • WaveformChopper (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • WaveformDigitizer (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ZeroPadder (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ApplySpikeFilter (Python I3Module) - This module is essentially a wrapper which runs the icecube.radcube.SpikeFilter class to apply an RFI filter in the frequency domain to an I3AntennaDataMap. The user is expected to provide the name of the input and output data maps as well as values which get passed along to the icecube.radcube.SpikeFilter. For more information see that class’ documentation.

  • MLChannelSelector (Python I3Module) - Selects antennas using a combination of the ML classifier score and denoised waveforms. Antennas which should be ignored are added to a list of antenna keys and put back into the frame.

  • MLClassifierScore (Python I3Module) - This class is a wrapper to run the icecube.radcube.ml_tools.SingleChannelClassifier on the I3AntennaWaveform in the frame. It takes the waveform in the given frame, compute the Classifier Score for each waveform and put the Score in to the frame. See the documentation for that class for more information on the underlying algorithms.

  • MeasuredNoiseAdder (Python I3Module) - Uses background waveforms measured in the real antennas to add to simulated radio waveforms to generate realistic simulations. This module is essentially just an I3Module that runs the icecube.radcube.TAXIBackgroundReader and adds these waveforms in the time domain.

  • RadcubePlotter (Python I3Module) - Module which can be used to quickly makes plots of a single antenna/E-Field. The user gives a list of lists where each entry includes the following five things:

  • RemoveTAXIArtifacts (Python I3Module) - This class is a wrapper to run the icecube.radcube.TAXIArtifactRemover on the measured digitized waveforms in the frame. See the documentation for that class for more information on the underlying algorithms

  • SimulateFromStar (Python I3Module) - Simulates shower on a specified array using simulations on a star shaped pattern. This class does three things:

  • WaveformDenoiser (Python I3Module) - This module loads and applies a pre-trained ML network on the specified I3AntennaDataMap. The application of the network on the data is performed by the icecube.radcube.ml_tools.TimeSeriesDenoiser. Note that to use this class, you must have Tensorflow installed.

  • I3AntennaResponseFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • I3ElectronicsResponseFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • RadioInjection (I3Tray segment) - This is the segment to use for the standard CORSIKA/CoREAS-to-electronics-response generation. Feed in a list of corsika directories with the particle files and the CoREAS files to the InputFiles parameter. Will make a set of I3Files along with the GCD file for this event.

  • RadioReconPrep (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

Project recclasses

Invoke with: import icecube.recclasses

  • I3DirectHitsValuesConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3DirectHitsValuesConverter tableio converter converts an I3DirectHitsValues frame object into a data table verbatim.

  • I3HitMultiplicityValuesConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3HitMultiplicityValuesConverter tableio converter converts an I3HitMultiplicityValues frame object into a table verbatim.

  • I3HitStatisticsValuesConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3HitStatisticsValuesConverter tableio converter converts an I3HitStatisticsValues frame object into a data table verbatim.

  • I3TimeCharacteristicsValuesConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3TimeCharacteristicsValues tableio converter converts an I3TimeCharacteristicsValues frame object into a data table verbatim.

  • I3TrackCharacteristicsValuesConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3TrackCharacteristicsValues tableio converter converts an I3TrackCharacteristicsValues frame object into a data table verbatim.

  • I3VetoConverter (TableIO converter) - <undocumented>

  • I3VetoShortConverter (TableIO converter) - <undocumented>

  • I3StartStopParamsConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3StartStopParamsConverter tableio converter converts an I3StartStopParams frame object into a data table verbatim.

  • I3FiniteCutsConverter (TableIO converter) - The I3FiniteCutsConverter tableio converter converts an I3FiniteCuts frame object into a data table verbatim.

Project rock_bottom

Invoke with: import icecube.rock_bottom

Project rpdf

Invoke with: import icecube.rpdf

Project segmented-spline-reco

Invoke with: import icecube.segmented_spline_reco

  • I3TimingEquatorFitter (C++ I3Module) - Gulliver-based module to perform simple generic log-likelihood reconstructions.

  • SegSplineRecoEMCEE (Python I3Module) - Likelihood space visualization

  • calc_hessian (Python I3Module) - Likelihood space visualization

  • nd_paraboloid (Python I3Module) - Code to fit “n-d” paraboloids given a bunch of sample points. The standard application is 6-d (x,y,z,dir1,dir2,t) input given by samples, but it can really work in any dimension .. although it is not optimized to work in higher than 10-d or so. Standard applicataion is within SegmentedSplineReco, where the 6-d fit is performed on the samples, the hesse matrix is converted into a covariance matrix, and one obtains the covariance in the desired dimensions (marginalization) just by picking out the dimensions of interest. It is independent of the precise reconstruction, parametrization, or gulliver.

  • I3EquatorParametrizationFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - This class installs a I3SegmentedRecoSeedService.

  • I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihoodFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • SegRecoSVN (I3Tray segment) - Perform a SplineMPE-reconstruction Configuration==’default’ will run a default MPE reco giving the worst resolution. The options ‘fast’, ‘recommended’ and ‘max’ will activate modifications with rising accuracy and decreasing execution speed, where “fast” is faster than “default” because of quicker convergence. See for documentation as well as speed and resolution comparisons.

  • SegmentedSplineReco (I3Tray segment) - Perform a SplineMPE-reconstruction Configuration==’default’ will run a default MPE reco giving the worst resolution. The options ‘fast’, ‘recommended’ and ‘max’ will activate modifications with rising accuracy and decreasing execution speed, where “fast” is faster than “default” because of quicker convergence. See for documentation as well as speed and resolution comparisons.

  • SegmentedSplineRecoHessianTest (I3Tray segment) - Perform a SplineMPE-reconstruction Configuration==’default’ will run a default MPE reco giving the worst resolution. The options ‘fast’, ‘recommended’ and ‘max’ will activate modifications with rising accuracy and decreasing execution speed, where “fast” is faster than “default” because of quicker convergence. See for documentation as well as speed and resolution comparisons.

  • segreco_parscan (I3Tray segment) - Perform a SplineMPE-reconstruction Configuration==’default’ will run a default MPE reco giving the worst resolution. The options ‘fast’, ‘recommended’ and ‘max’ will activate modifications with rising accuracy and decreasing execution speed, where “fast” is faster than “default” because of quicker convergence. See for documentation as well as speed and resolution comparisons.

  • segreco_uncertainty (I3Tray segment) - Perform a SplineMPE-reconstruction Configuration==’default’ will run a default MPE reco giving the worst resolution. The options ‘fast’, ‘recommended’ and ‘max’ will activate modifications with rising accuracy and decreasing execution speed, where “fast” is faster than “default” because of quicker convergence. See for documentation as well as speed and resolution comparisons.

Project shield

Invoke with: import icecube.shield

Project sim-services

Invoke with: import icecube.sim_services

  • I3CombineMCPE (C++ I3Module) - Combines several I3MCPEHitSeriesMaps into one.

  • I3DownsampleMCPE (C++ I3Module) - Randomly downsample MCPEs from one collection to another.

  • I3InIceCORSIKATrimmer (C++ I3Module) - Remove muons that have no chance of reaching the detector.

  • I3MCEventHeaderGenerator (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3MCPEMerger (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3MCPESort (C++ I3Module) - A module that sorts the I3MCPE series.

  • I3MCPEtoI3MCHitConverter (C++ I3Module) - Converts an I3MCPESeriesMap to an I3MCHitSeriesMap.

  • I3MCTreeHybridSimulationSplitter (C++ I3Module) - Splits an I3MCTree into two trees. One tree will have all tracks set to shape “Dark”, the other one will have everything else set to “Dark”.

  • I3ModifyEventID (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3PhotonPropagationClientModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3PhotonToMCPEConverter (C++ I3Module) - This module reads I3PhotonSeriesMaps generated by CLSim, applies (D)OM acceptances (wavelength&angular) to the photons and stores the results in an I3MCPESeriesMap.

  • I3PrimaryInjector (C++ I3Module) - Module to generate primaries for Dynamic Stack CORSIKA.

  • I3PrimaryPulseMapper (C++ I3Module) - Converts mapping information describing which particles produced each MCPE to a mapping to primary particles which were the parents of the light emitting particles.

  • I3PropagatorModule (C++ I3Module) - Propagates all particles found in an MCTree that have configured I3PropagatorServices. If one service returns another particle that can be propagated by another service, it will be passed to that one. The results, in turn, will also be propagated until there are no more particles to propagate.

  • I3RemoveLargeDT (C++ I3Module) - Removes photo-electron hits that are separated in time by a factor larger than maxDT/2 from the median time (where maxDT is the maximum size of the trigger window).

  • OnboardNoiseSuppression (C++ I3Module) - The DAQ team is planning an onboard noise-suppression algorithm for the mDOM. This algorithm will force an artificial deadtime for new-pmt hits if only single hit pmts are observed within a fixed time window, reducing the bandwidth needed for readout. This will eventually be implemented direction in DAQ firmware, which we will rely on for simulation. Until then, we need this module to simulate the impact.

  • I3GCDSanityChecker (Python I3Module) - Check sanity of the GCD.

  • CascadeLabels (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MCLabeler (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MuonLabels (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • TestModule (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3TweakTriggerTestModule (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • RecreateMCTree (I3Tray segment) - Recreate the results of lepton propagation and shower simulation that were discarded in order to save space.

Project simprod

Invoke with: import icecube.simprod

  • DAQCounter (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • DAQCounter (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • PrintContext (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3DepositedEnergy (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ModifyEventTime (Python I3Module) - Modify the time in the I3EventHeader

  • Corsika5CompWeightModule (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • CorsikaWeightModule (Python I3Module) - Sets TimeScale and FluxSum for unweighted CORSIKA

  • PolygonatoWeightModule (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • Calibration (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • DetectorSegment (I3Tray segment) - Run IC86 detector simulation

  • DetectorSim (I3Tray segment) - Read photon-propagated (MCPE) files, simulate noise, PTM response, DOMLaunches, and trigger.

  • GenerateAirShowers (I3Tray segment) - Read CORSIKA files, simulate IceTop response, and populate I3MCTree with penetrating components (neutrinos and muons)

  • GenerateAtmosphericNeutrinos (I3Tray segment) - Read CORSIKA showers containing neutrinos, and force exactly one neutrino to interact.

  • GenerateCosmicRayMuons (I3Tray segment) - Generate atmospheric muons with MuonGun

  • GenerateIceTopShowers (I3Tray segment) - Read CORSIKA files, simulate IceTop response, and populate I3MCTree with penetrating components (neutrinos and muons) using topsimulator’s injector.

  • GenerateNaturalRateMuons (I3Tray segment) - Generate single muons with MuonGun

  • GenerateNeutrinos (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • ProduceNoiseTriggers (I3Tray segment) - ProduceNoiseTriggers: Create events containing only noise and no simulated particle interactions. These are needed for low-energy DeepCore and PINGU simulation due to a lower detector threshold. There are some nuances to this. All events must be long in order to avoid problems at the edge of simulated events where expanding around the triggers could include unsimulated regions in time. All frames are initially 100 ms long. These are triggered, then cut down by CoincidenceAfterProcessing to be more reasonable lengths.

  • GenerateSingleMuons (I3Tray segment) - Generate single muons with MuonGun

  • PropagatePhotons (I3Tray segment) - This traysegment offers multiple tweaks for adapted processing in different energy ranges, for example GEANT4 in conjunction with Parametrizations for the treatment for lowest energies and a HybridMode with the use of tables for the treatment of high energies. In any case, please refer to the documentation of clsim to find suitable settings for your simulation needs

  • MultiDomEffSample (I3Tray segment) - This tray segment allows the downsampling of MCPE maps to perform mutliple dom efficiency simulations

  • PPCTraySegment (I3Tray segment) - PPC Photon Propagation Code TraySegment (supports CUDA/OpenCL)

  • PolyplopiaMergePEs (I3Tray segment) - This segment can be used to merge background that already contains I3MCPEs. We are reading background MC from a separate file and injecting events to signal (or weighted background) based on a Poisson distribution within the given time window.

  • PolyplopiaPhotons (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

  • PolyplopiaSegment (I3Tray segment) - There are three scenarios for polyplopia:

  • PropagateMuons (I3Tray segment) - Propagate muons.

  • SelectNeutrino (I3Tray segment) - Select a neutrino to interact, and add neutrino propagators to the context.

Project SiPMResponseSimulator

Invoke with: import icecube.SiPMResponseSimulator

Project SLOPtools

Invoke with: import icecube.SLOPtools

Project smallshower-filter

Invoke with: icetray.load('smallshower-filter',False)

Project spline-reco

Invoke with: import icecube.spline_reco

  • I3SplineRecoLikelihoodFactory (C++ ServiceFactory) - <undocumented>

  • SplineMPE (I3Tray segment) - Perform a SplineMPE-reconstruction Configuration==’default’ will run a default MPE reco giving the worst resolution. The options ‘fast’, ‘recommended’ and ‘max’ will activate modifications with rising accuracy and decreasing execution speed, where “fast” is faster than “default” because of quicker convergence. See for documentation as well as speed and resolution comparisons.

Project StartingTrackVeto

Invoke with: import icecube.StartingTrackVeto

  • StartingTrackVeto (C++ I3Module) - Estimates an events startingness using photon tables,.

Project static-twc

Invoke with: import icecube.static_twc

Project stochastics

Invoke with: import icecube.stochastics

Project STTools

Invoke with: import icecube.STTools

Project tableio

Invoke with: import icecube.tableio

Project tensor-of-inertia

Invoke with: import icecube.tensor_of_inertia

Project topeventcleaning

Invoke with: import icecube.topeventcleaning

  • I3TankPulseMerger (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3TopHLCClusterCleaning (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • SeededPulseSelector (Python I3Module) - I3Module to do a simple selection of IceTop DOM pulses depending on the agreement between the pulses’ time and the time of a given reconstruction (presumably InIce or MC)

  • EnsureStreamExists (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • KeepOnlyLargestEvent (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • MergeIIIT (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • SelectPulsesFromSeed (I3Tray segment) - This segment produces a few pulse containers, based on their agreement between pulse times and the arrival time of a plane shower front specified by an I3Particle that must be in the frame. The name of this I3Particle is passed as the ‘Seed’ parameter to this segment.

Project TopologicalSplitter

Invoke with: import icecube.TopologicalSplitter

Project toprec

Invoke with: import icecube.toprec

Project topsimulator

Invoke with: import icecube.topsimulator

Project tpx

Invoke with: import icecube.tpx

  • I3IceTopBaselineModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3IceTopSLCCalibrator_fromCframe (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3TopHLCPulseExtractor (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3TopSLCPulseExtractor (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3VEMConverter (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3IceTopSLCCalibrator (Python I3Module) - I3Module to apply a correction to SLC charges. This version of the module was used for creating L3 in 2021. It takes as input a “running average pickle file” of the kind created from run-by-run fits of SLC calibration constants. Will probably be obsoletified someday…

  • CalibrateSLCs (I3Tray segment) - This extracts and calibrates SLC pulses. The current implementation MAY need to know the ATWD channel used and therefore needs access to the waveforms generated by I3WaveformSplitter. Since these are discarded, they have to be produced again (hence this segment).

  • CalibrateSLCs_Legacy (I3Tray segment) - Similar to the above, except that this version REQUIRES the waveforms, and will not calibrate pulses at all (or run TankPulseMerger to produce TankPulses) without them.

Project trigger-sim

Invoke with: import icecube.trigger_sim

  • I3GlobalTriggerSim (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3Pruner (C++ I3Module) - IceTray module to remove launches outside the readout window.

  • I3TriggerSimModule (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • InjectDefaultDOMSets (Python I3Module) - This module adds the default DOMSets information to the DetectorStatus frame. This will be the same data that older versions of trigger-sim used.

  • AddTriggers (Python I3Module) - An I3Module that can be used to define new triggers to run. This is intended to be used for new triggering studies in the Upgrade and Gen2 detectors. The new triggers are created externally, then passed in through this module. Trigger configs are added to the I3DetectorStatus, but will not overwrite any existing triggers already in the frame.

  • I3TimeShifter (Python I3Module) - This module shifts the time of everything time-like in the frame. The reference time is determined by the earliest time in the trigger hierarchy, in the case of triggered events, or the earliest I3MCPE(or IMCHit) time, for non-triggered events.

  • EventSplitter (Python I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • ExtensionsTriggers (I3Tray segment) - Define domsets and triggers for both the Upgrade and Gen2. This acts as both an example tray segment for adding triggering information to the GCD file and as a temporary standard method for testing new triggers.

  • TriggerSim (I3Tray segment) - Configure triggers according to the GCD file.

Project trigger-splitter

Invoke with: import icecube.trigger_splitter

Project truncated_energy

Invoke with: import icecube.truncated_energy

  • I3TruncatedEnergy (C++ I3Module) - This module estimates an energy for a given track, using photorec tables.

  • Calculator (Python I3Module) - Stochasticity calculation module

Project vemcal

Invoke with: import icecube.vemcal

  • I3HGLGPairSelector (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • I3ITSLCCalExtractor (C++ I3Module) - This module extracts all the information which is needed to perform the SLC calibration and writes the data in a condensed format to the frame.

  • I3VEMCalExtractor (C++ I3Module) - This module extracts all the information which is needed to perform the muon calibration and writes the data in a condensed format to the frame.

  • SLCCalibRunFitter (Python I3Module) - This module collects charges from the I3ITSLCCalData frame object and fits a straight line to them by analytically minimizing a least squares function. This is done for each DOM and each ATWD. It stores the results in a JSON or HDF5 file.

Project VHESelfVeto

Invoke with: import icecube.VHESelfVeto

Project vuvuzela

Invoke with: import icecube.vuvuzela

  • Inject (C++ I3Module) - This class will add all the parameters that are used in the vuvuzela noise generator to the Calibration frame.

  • Vuvuzela (C++ I3Module) - A noise generator for IceCube used to simulate both thermal noise and decay+scintillation noise.

  • PregeneratedSampler (Python I3Module) - A sampler used to include pre-defined noise behavior in simulation files.

  • AddNoise (I3Tray segment) - Module to add correlated noise. Currently uses constant parameters for each DOM, but will be updated with individual numbers soon.

Project WaveCalibrator

Invoke with: import icecube.WaveCalibrator

Project wavedeform

Invoke with: import icecube.wavedeform

  • I3Wavedeform (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • AddMissingTimeWindow (Python I3Module) - Add I3TimeWindow for pulse series to old data made with versions of wavedeform that do not write this to the frame

Project wavereform

Invoke with: import icecube.wavereform

Project wimpsim-reader

Invoke with: import icecube.wimpsim_reader

  • I3WimpSimReader (C++ I3Module) - <undocumented>

  • NuMuValueCollector (Python I3Module) - collect the Veff from all events; do not forget to devide by the weight-sum in the end

  • VeffCollector (Python I3Module) - collect the Veff from all events; do not forget to devide by the weight-sum in the end

  • WimpSimReaderEarth (I3Tray segment) - run this traysegement for earth files

  • WimpSimReaderSUN (I3Tray segment) - run this traysegement for Sun files

  • get_oneweight (I3Tray segment) - I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.